Date of Award

Spring 5-20-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Steven Hilkowitz


The United States’ (US) military unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has seen increased usage under the post 9/11 military engagements in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and within American borders. However, the very digital networks controlling these aircrafts are now enduring malicious intrusions (hacking) by America’s enemies. .

The digital intrusions serve as a presage over the very digital networks the US relies upon to safeguard its national security and interests and domestic territory. The complexity surrounding the hacking of US military UAVs appears to be increasing, given the advancements in digital networks and the seemingly inauspicious nature of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. Being most victimized by malicious digital intrusions, the US continues its military components towards growing dependence upon digital networks in advancing warfare and national security and interests. Thus, America’s netcentric warfare perspectives may perpetuate a chaotic environment where the use of military force is the sole means of safeguarding its digital networks.
