Date of Award

Summer 8-31-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Technology Leadership (MS ITL)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Margaret McCoey


To remain competitive in a global economy, businesses need to adapt to an ever changing environment to meet their customer’s needs. Staying competitive means continuing to evolve as an organization and making changes to both process and technology to gain a competitive edge over their competition. Organizations must become adept in bringing in new technology and managing the challenges that go along with implementing the change. Changes of this nature can provide significant benefits to an organization but can also present many challenges that need to be managed to yield a positive outcome. Problems arise when organizations attempt to bring in a new technology without proper management and training for their employees’. Using case studies from the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (NJDGE) and ALMAC Clinical Technologies (CT) along with peer reviewed research, this paper will assist in describing the benefits and challenges of managing technological change, training considerations and the impact that it can have to an organization’s staff.
