
Together And By Association: The Lived Reality Of Our Lasallian Charism

Date of Award

Fall 2020

Degree Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Brother Robert Kinzler, FSC

Second Advisor

Vincent Kling, Ph.D.


For 340 years, the legacy of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, our Founder, has lived on through a charism that animates all who participate in the Lasallian educational enterprise. While the core of that tradition has remained constant over those 340 years, its lived reality has not, as the tradition remains flexible to the ever-changing needs of students in 79 countries around the world. Indeed, de La Salle never would have imagined La Salle University as it currently sits at 20th & Olney. Nevertheless, our Lasallian tradition, over three centuries in the making, remains alive and well on the campus of La Salle University. This is our story - spoken by the very men and women who live the reality of our tradition each and every day.
