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An oral history of Prof. John S. Grady (1937-2008), Professor of Economics and Director of the Honors Program at La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of this interview was to gather information regarding the organizational, philosophical, curricular, and cultural development of the Honors Program during his directorship. Specifically, this interview deals in detail with the time period 1969 through 2007. Attention is given to Prof. Grady’s formative years, his educational philosophy, and the origins of the Program before his directorship, as well as recent (as of 2007) organizational and curricular developments within the University, and the academic climate of the United States at the dawn of the 21st Century.


The interview is 2 hours, 31 minutes long.

John Grady Interview Log.pdf (225 kB)
Interview Log

CS_His650FieldQuestions.pdf (39 kB)
Questions for Interview

CS_His650Grady1.jpg (50 kB)
Photo of Interviewee

CS_His650Grady2.jpg (52 kB)
Photo of Interviewee

John Grady Interview Session 1.mp3 (19322 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Session 1 .mp3 file

John Grady Interview Session 2.mp3 (15570 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Session 2 .mp3 file

John Grady Interview Session 3.mp3 (36280 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Session 3 .mp3 file

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