Date of Award

Spring 5-16-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Technology Leadership (MS ITL)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Margaret McCoey


This report was provided to gain insight into the student perspective on how students interact with their current Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard. It is currently used to house course content for La Salle’s traditional, online, and hybrid (combination of traditional and online sessions) courses. The university is currently investigating on whether or not there are advantages to switching to an alternate LMS and wanted to gather information on the current student opinion of the tool.

The research shows that La Salle’s student population did not favor one LMS tool over another but the research did show which features were important to students. The goal of this research was to isolate the student body opinion around La Salle’s current LMS solution, and for this goal the response was an approval of 3.5 out of 5 rating, while also stating that Blackboard is better than or comparable to any other platform. There was no major discontent with the current environment, and of the students who have had experience in different systems, ratings listed that they were not anxious to leave the blackboard environment.

Recommendations to improve student perception of Blackboard will include:

  • Continue with Blackboard as the preferred solution.
  • Provide free subscription to use with Blackboard’s mobile application
  • Setup standards for organizing class content
  • Improve the teacher’s training
