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Steven J. Stahley was born in 1951 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He spent his childhood growing up in the Catholic school system, eventually moving to Cardinal Dougherty in 1965 to attend high school. It was in high school that Mr. Stahley decided he would enter the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity. During his first year with the Missionary Servants, a decision was made that all men would attend college and receive the “full college experience.” This brought Mr. Stahley to LaSalle University in 1970. After three years, Mr. Stahley graduated and worked his way through the process of becoming an ordained priest. Mr. Stahley was ordained in 1978, worked as a Missionary Servant in Cleveland, Ohio and after careful deliberation, eventually decided that the priesthood was not for him. Mr. Stahley is now living in Westminster, Maryland with his wife Lisa and their two children Thomas and Sarah. At the time of the interview, Mr. Stahley was working with Dignity USA, an organization for LGBT Catholics.


The student who conducted the interview is Mr. Stahley's niece.

Oral Interview Steve.pdf (561 kB)
Transcript of Interview

1 _11031201.mp3 (100022 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Part 1

1 _11031202.mp3 (184466 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Part 2

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