Document Type

Course Project

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Most medical errors in health care are preventable and result from lack of communication and teamwork among health care workers. Despite health care providers’ training on preventing medical errors and managing medical crises, patient care services may be compromised and result in patient harm when teamwork and communication decrease among clinicians. Anesthesia Crisis Resource Management (ACRM) was designed to help anesthesia providers effectively manage crises by working in multidisciplinary teams to improve and develop both teamwork and technical skills. The purpose of the Doctor of Nursing Practice project is to design an evidence-based teaching plan for a ACRM simulation targeting malignant hyperthermia (MH) to increase non-technical skills of staff in the operating room. MH is a rare anesthesia crisis that can prove fatal if not properly recognized and treated. The teaching plan for the ACRM simulation will be designed with the goal of being utilized in the operating rooms to enhance teamwork and communication which is critical when responding to an MH crisis.



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