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The story of the Nativity from the Gospel According to Matthew. Designed and privately printed by Kurt Hans Volk. Printed in 29 colors and gold initials made by hand. Illustrated by E.C. Line.

Volk (1884 – 1962), originally from Germany, worked in Philadelphia and New York as a typographer in the late 1920s. According to his obituary in the New York Times he was known for a series of art keepsakes and limited edition books distributed to friends at Christmas.


This illustration shows three figures huddled together on a hill, overlooking a flock of sheep. A modern example, this scene is simple, and the colors create a tranquil tone. The Angel Gabriel is absent from the scene. The composition of this scene is such that the viewer has almost the same vantage as the shepherds, their backs are to us, and the plane of the hill reaches out to us. It is as if we stand among them ready to hear the message.


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