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In June 2012, Rebecca Goldman and Shannon Lausch conducted a survey of recent archives graduates to investigate job search experiences, career satisfaction, satisfaction with archival education, and overall life satisfaction. They presented the results of their research at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting in San Diego on August 9, 2012. Included here are the survey questions, anonymized versions of the survey data, and Goldman and Lausch's presentations from SAA.


Click the Download button to download the survey questions. The survey data and presentations are listed under Additional Files. See the README tab in each data spreadsheet for specific information about how the data was organized and anonymized.

career_satisfaction_20120807.pdf (1336 kB)
Rebecca's presentation

job_search.pdf (524 kB)
Shannon's presentation

SurveySummary_noFR.xls (365 kB)
A summary of responses automatically generated by SurveyMonkey. Free response answers, including numerical responses, are not included.

data_anonymized_noFR.xls (151 kB)
Responses organized by respondent. Numerical free-text responses have been included. Textual free-text responses have been excluded for privacy.

free_text_responses_formatted_anonymized.xls (392 kB)
All textual free-text responses, with specific names removed for privacy. The responses have been reorganized alphabetically so that respondents can't be identified by their aggregate free-text responses.
