Date of Award

Fall 2016

Degree Type

Honors Project



First Advisor

Mary Ellen McMonigle, Ph.D

Second Advisor

David Falcone, Ph.D


Self-perception is a complex view of the self that incorporates a person's attitudes, preferences, and actions and interprets these behaviors to have a view of the self. This study attempts to look at the self perception of college students and observe how this is influenced by a person’s academic experience. Specifically, when addressing academic experience the areas being investigated are achievement within several subjects, enjoyment within these subjects, and extracurricular activities, both inside and outside of the university setting. This is an exploratory correlational study that attempts to find some key differences in the self-perceptions of university students in different areas of study and in different extracurricular activities. An explanation of methodology is entailed and all materials and surveys are also included. Because this study will be run in the future, all results in this work are fabricated and analyzed, but will be replaced with actual findings in the spring semester of 2017.
