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Br. Joseph Burke was born in 1945 and passed away in 2016. He grew up in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. He attended La Salle College High School, graduated in 1963 and joined the Christian Brothers. He earned his B.A. degree in English from La Salle College in 1969, a M.Ed. in Educational Administration from the University of Miami in 1971, and a Ph.D. in Human Behavior from United States International University in 1973. Brother Burke joined the La Salle College Psychology Department in 1973, and served as Department Chair from 1978-1986. In 1996 he was awarded a yearlong Fellowship in higher education administration from the American Council on Education. He spent that year at the University of Hartford, and then remained there as a dean for the next three years. In 1990 he became Provost at La Salle, and from 1992-1998 served as the University’s President. Brother Burke became chair of the Psychology Department again in 2002.


Transcript is partial. The entire interview in audio files is 2 hours, 42 minutes.

Transcript001.pdf (660 kB)
Transcript of Interview

Joseph Burke Interview 1.mp3 (76529 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Session 1

Joseph Burke Interview 2 Part 1.mp3 (62699 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Session 2 Part 1

Joseph Burke Interview 2 Part 2.mp3 (51205 kB)
Audio Recording of Interview Session 2 Part 2

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